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Let's Get Rid of These Unhealthy Foods from the Refrigerator

Unhealthy food is often associated with food obtained outside the home. Though not always the case. Some types of food available at home may include unhealthy foods. Differentiating between healthy and unhealthy foods may be confusing for some people. Some foods are good for consumption by someone, but not necessarily good for some others. If you want to lose weight or avoid certain diseases, start to be more selective in choosing foods.

Types of Unhealthy Foods

Before sorting out the foods you store at home, here is a list of some unhealthy foods that are usually stored in the refrigerator, for you to make a guide:
  • Processed meat

  • Various types of processed meat ready for use, such as smoked meat or bacon, contain a lot of salt and fat, and nitrate as a preservative. Sausages also include processed meat which is widely used for fast food. The content of salt and fat in sausages is no less high. To replace this processed meat, you can choose freshly roasted chicken or beef. Both types of meat are high in protein, vitamins, and minerals, as well as being free of preservatives. As an alternative to meat, you can try grilling vegetables, such as mushrooms, eggplants, and red peppers. Sprinkle a little seasoning to add flavor.
  • Cake, sweet cakes and biscuits

  • Sweet cakes and cakes are considered unhealthy foods, because they contain a lot of flour, sugar, and saturated fat. An average piece of cake contains 228 calories, consisting of 28 grams of sugar and 9 grams of saturated fat. Biscuits should also be limited, because they are low in fiber and high in sodium.
  • Ice cream

  • I seldom store ice cream in the refrigerator freezer at home, in the form of box packaging or ice cream bars. Even though this type of snack contains high fat, saturated fat, and sugar, so it can significantly increase calorie intake. If you want to keep eating this snack, you can choose ice cream that is low in sugar, fat, and calories. For healthier choices, serve fresh fruit and add nonfat yogurt.
  • Frozen potatoes ready to fry

  • This type of food is increasingly common in refrigerators. Even though one small bowl of about 85 grams of fried potatoes contains 160-190 calories, mainly from sodium, fat, and saturated fat. Replace frozen fried potatoes with natural baked or baked potatoes, without excess salt, fat, or extra saturated fat.
  • Creamy salad salad and mayonnaise

  • Various types of salad cream sauces that are commonly found in the refrigerator, contain high Each two tablespoons of the sauce contains 120 calories consisting of 12 grams of fat, 2.5 grams of saturated fat, and 380 milligrams of sodium. In addition, mayonnaise is a calorie enhancer that is sometimes less attention. A quarter cup of mayonnaise can contain 360 calories and 40 grams of fat. Reduce the use of salad dressing and mayonnaise, or choose products that contain fewer calories.
  • Soda and other sweet drinks

  • This type of drink contains high calories from sugar, and does not contain nutrients. One 470 ml soda drink contains about 50 grams of sugar. Bottled tea and energy drinks, also contain sugar which is almost as high. Water is the best choice for keeping body fluids stable. If you are bored with the taste of water, mix water with fruit, vegetables, or herbs. For example lemons, berries, oranges, cucumbers, or mint leaves. In addition, some drinks such as green tea and black tea can be alternative drinks without calories and rich in antioxidants that are good for the body.
After learning about healthy and non-healthy food choices, you should immediately replace unhealthy foods in the refrigerator with healthier foods. Do not hesitate to consult with your doctor or nutritionist, to find out information about the best food sources of nutrition for you and your family.
